Cookies från Leeads

Cookiedeklarationen uppdaterades senast den 27/04/2018

Online identifierMain processing purposeLifespan (data retention)Legal Basis
cfp=controll for permission, is set in case a request w/o JEB2 cookie coming to the adserver to check if we can set a cookie (roundtrip)185 daysLegitimit Interest
JEB2=User ID185 daysLegitimit Interest
Opt Out=set when user opts out that we track185 daysLegitimit Interest
BsC=browser session185 daysLegitimit Interest
CS1is used for cookie sync185 daysLegitimit Interest
CIdentifies if user’s browser accepts cookies.1 – Cookies are allowed, 3 – Opt-out3650 daysLegitimit Interest
TPCIdentifies if user’s browser accepts third party cookies14 daysLegitimit Interest
GCMIdentifies if there is a need to re-check partner‘s cookie matching existence1 dayLegitimit Interest
CMIdentifies if there is a need to re-check partner‘s cookie matching existence (set by AdServing)1 dayLegitimit Interest
CM14Identifies if there is a need to re-check partner‘s cookie matching existence (set by Cookie Matching)14 daysLegitimit Interest
tokenSecurity token for opt out functionalitysessionLegitimit Interest
otsidAdvertiser specific opt-out3650 daysLegitimit Interest
uidUnique identifier60 daysLegitimit Interest
cidCookie id (legacy) – same as uid60 daysLegitimit Interest
adtrcCheck if browser information was gathered7 daysLegitimit Interest
SRSequential rotator information – contains total impressions, daily impressions, total clicks, daily clicks, and last impression date1 dayLegitimit Interest
CTIdentifies last click membership for 3rd party pixels on advertiser’s pages1 hourLegitimit Interest
EBFCDIdentifies daily frequency capping for expanding banner7 daysLegitimit Interest
EBFCIdentifies total frequency capping for expanding banner7 daysLegitimit Interest
CFFCCompound banner frequency capping7 daysLegitimit Interest
cdIndicates whether cookies are disabled for the device.1 dayLegitimit Interest
cimg*Contains information about served ads (timestamp, site, internal identifiers for the publisher, buyer, advertiser, and displayed advertisement).1 hourLegitimit Interest
cUsed for testing whether 3rd party cookies are enabled or notBrowser sessionLegitimit Interest
FPTrustNAI opt-out processBrowser sessionLegitimit Interest
auInternal user identifier used for internal analytics. Not used for purposes of behavioural targeting.1 yearLegitimit Interest
khaosInternal user identifier used for internal analytics.1 yearLegitimit Interest
rsidSession cookie that contains demographic information about a device, including region (derived from IP address, not geolocation data), Operating System, browser, etc., that is used during thek auction process.Browser sessionLegitimit Interest
trp_optoutCookie indicating that a user has opted-out of behavioral targeting marketing5 years (1827 days)Legitimit Interest
fcapFrequency cap on calls out to sync.php, limiting to N per Exchange API partner per day30 daysLegitimit Interest
put_*Bidder identifiers placed at the request of a bidder, to sync a bidder’s independent information about an end user with Rubicon Project, to allow the bidder (not Rubicon Project) to bid on ads through the Rubicon Project advertising exchange based on behavioural targeting information known only to the bidder (i.e., the value of this cookie will be transmitted in a Bid Request to the bidder that caused this cookie to be placed).1 month 1 day (can be modified by bidder)Legitimit Interest
puxDates for when information in the put_* and sput cookies expires and should be refreshed.90 daysLegitimit Interest
rpbPublisher and partner-owned audience segments used for private marketplaces and audience-based planning and forecasting in Orders.30 daysLegitimit Interest
rpx, rpx_*Contains expiration dates for information in the rpb cookie.30 daysLegitimit Interest
sput, sput_*Contains multiple bidder identifiers (i.e., data that would be stored in multiple put_* cookies) in a smaller number of cookies.180 daysLegitimit Interest
ruidUser identifier shared with bidders in Bid Requests, to allow bidders to sync to any independent behavioural data they may have gathered about the relevant device.90 daysLegitimit Interest
ses*Indicates number of times Rubicon Project has served a user an advert for this particular unit of inventory.Current day UTCLegitimit Interest
vis*Indicates number of times this user has initiated an ad request for this particular unit of inventory.Current day UTCLegitimit Interest
dqProvides a measure of "data quality" on a particular device.1 yearLegitimit Interest